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// 2013年12月22日日曜日 / 5:16 午後 // comment

I'm gonna wipe out my DSLR's card, here's a couple of (shitty) shots uwu

Coco winking reflexively against my camera's blinding flash.

Saying goodbye to my overused dollshoes, you served me well!

A sneak peek to my seven year-old furkid a.k.a. Coco the spinster.

Was trying out a couple of DSLR beginner techniques; this one's an Aperture trick.

Messy workspace as I update my (now thrown out) doodle journal.

Again: updating my journal. And my too few coloring materials.

An entry about how and why I started digging out tutorials for DSLR dummies.
My most recently welcomed furkid, Shin!

ラベル: , ,

A ball of white fur: I have a new furkid!
// / 3:05 午前 // comment

Furkid is indeed a countable noun since I am really going to treat this dog as my own family. We've always treated animals that way, anyways.

This is probably the most decent photo of him.

Yes! A her and a him! Shin came from "Shinju" meaning pearl in Japanese. And for the sake of saving our tongues from twisting we cut it off to "Shin". Or maybe we're just lazy. Shin's a maltese. The first time, we were told that he's a Japanese Shih Tzu, much to my delight since my frustration of having a Japanese dog (coughs hardshiba inucoughs) got a bit satisfied. BUT the vet told us that the cute thing is a maltese????? I was shocked for two days straight, no kidding.

The ball of white fur is really giddy and bananas. The first day was pretty quiet, and we made an asumption that the thing is an obedient bunch of cuteness, or so we thought. It was just stress that was keeping him from showing his true colors. Here are other photos of Shin! (Warning: shitty shots ahead)

 Yay! I got him to turn around and snap a candid photo!

My two furkids, playing! Or flirting.

ラベル: , , ,

// 2013年12月11日水曜日 / 1:01 午前 // comment

More like reestablishing things from a fresh start, right? Hi! I'm back, I think. College has been keeping me busy all the time, aside from the fact that I procrastinate when it comes to updating this blog.

I decided to restart. From posts, layouts, tags, and my way of blogging. I'll try formal blogging. At least try, as stated on my bio. Thought the occasional routine of updating would remain seldom next to not at all. I've tried out to blog seriously for many that I have lost count, maybe this thing isn't really cut out for me. But we'l never know unless I try. I lack inspiration, and determination. Also zealousness.

I'll update you with things happening the past months. Hobbies, good reads, etc.
(Also it's already 1:00am as I am writing this. I have a quiz tomorrow. Awesome, bye!)
